Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday's quick hits

As of 9:30 am, the Dow has slipped below 10,000. The economic package just passed will take a few weeks to take effect, according to Henry Paulson. Evidently the reason why the Dow has plunged almost 400 points this morning is because traders are concerned about banks failing in foreign countries.

Sarah Palin has begun to "take the gloves off." This weekend she attacked Obama for his associations with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. I can only hope that McCain will follow suit. In response, Obama has said he will begin to question the "Keating 5" scandal that McCain was involved in. McCain has openly said he regrets being associated in anyway with those involved in the scandal, but keep in mind... the Democratic special counsel in charge of that investigation recommended that Senator McCain be completely exonerated.

This morning's Rasmussen poll has Obama up nationally 52-44. Of course, national polls make no difference, its the state polls that count. But even those are looking pretty bleak for McCain right now. He is still up in Florida, but has lost his lead in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Nevada. If he is to win the election, he'll have to regain his lead in those states, plus "steal" a state like Colorado/New Hampshire/Pennsylvania/Minnesota from Obama. BTW, McCain has pulled out of Michigan, conceding it to Obama.