Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin won the debate

Palin won the debate last night, in large part because expectations for her were low. Biden performed well, but some of his statements were factually untrue (i.e. saying McCain voted to cut funding for the troops, saying Art. I of the Constitution enumerates the executive power, saying McCain's health plan would leave millions without coverage, etc.). I think Palin did enough to re-energize the Republican base, which is important because the last week has been rough on Republicans. Not to mention, enthusiasm is running rampant among Democrats... the Dems are having to turn volunteers away, for example.

Palin's tax records from the past two years were released, and she and Todd paid taxes on 127k in 2006 and 166k in 2007. Much to the chagrin of liberals, the Palin's also donated over 8k to charity over the past two years (rougly 3% of their income, which doesn't take into account their tithing). Compare this to Joe Biden, who has given an average of $369, or roughly .2% of his average yearly income, to charity over the past decade. Liberals in Washington sure want to take your money, but they definitely seem hesistant to give their own!

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